
I'm just beachy.......

This week we have been at the beach. Ahhh... I had dreamed of this week. This relaxing, fun filled, beachy, vacation. Not so much. It has been a vacation of a lifetime alright, but not in the good way. We flew out on Sunday, you know, all the joy ride, Just perfect. monday started out pretty good, but then it took a wrong turn, My dad got very sick and had to go to the hospital. Tuesday I either almost had a sun stroke or got sun poisoning, I'm not sure. Then Wednesday I kinda just layed around because of the thing that happened the day before, and my dad kept getting worse. Thursday  my dad had Emergency Surgery for his gallbladder. Now, Friday (today) we ran like chickens with our heads cut off through the airport of course today nothing was packed right so all of our luggage had some little stuff taken out of them as we reminded them (as I was crying) that it was 12:15  and our flight takes off at 12:25. Then after we run up the steps to go sit for 5 minutes, we found out our flight was delayed 3 HOURS!!!!! Yeah, eventful vacation huh?

Well, here are some of pictures we managed to sqeeze in. (sorry no watermark, I am way to tired, but please don't take (:)

                                               The grandparents and grandchildren, minus 1
                                                                  Theres the whole family :)

 Now, there is a story behind this. This is everyone's famous "Jessica Pose". Love you Mrs. Jessica
                                                         My favorite of all the pictures!
                                                               Me, and my aunts kids.
                                         The girl picture, Me, Mom, Nana, Anna, Aunt Debra
                                                                      The Beach!  :)
                                                                 Another favorite :)
                                                           The ocean, love love love you!!!
                                                        Creative Random picture :)

                    Dear Beach, I know you give me sunburns and sand in my pants, but I love you!

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