
Guest posters wanted!

I need guest posters to just keep all of the readers interested. I need 7-8 for the next 2 weeks. The reasoning of this is because I ahve about a mounth and a half of summer left and I like to cram all teh memories into that last mounth and a half. I don't have much time for blogging. please e-mail me  if you would like to do a guest post. :D

Also, if I get 7-8 guest posters then that will send me over 100 posts! I am looking to have a giveaway, but still am not sure what I would like to do. If you have any idea's for 100 post giveaway please e-mail me at monkeyme28@yahoo.com. Thanks so much!

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I am so gald you decided to comment but please NO mean comments... also if you would like me to look at your blog (if you have one) please leave the URL and I will take a look :)

Just to let everyone know I have taken away the option to be an Anonymous user,but you can Always use open ID and Blogger account.
