

Confession: I absolutley hate winter, especially ones that bring about 3 inches of snow every time you think "It's almost over".

Confession: I absolutely love to cuddle up with a good book and read about 100 pages.

Confession: Speaking of books, they are great when you are snowed in and have nothing else to do.

Confession: "Why can't summer stay forever?" is what I am thinking when it is August 9th, the day before we go for our first day of school.

Confession: I absolutely HATE it when you simply ask someone a question then they don't respond.

Confession: Speaking of Questions, I hate the feeling when they don't awnser then you think they are mad or annoyed with you. It just frustrates me.

Confession: I have doubts and many thoughts about the smallest things. Really, like if I need to wear dark jeans or holey ones. Trust me ask any of my best friends.

Confession: I have absolutely no inspiration in me so I am randomly writing this post.

Confession: When I read the Title "Confessions" it freaks me out!

Wow, that has to have been the most random post ever! Hummmmmm......

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