
Random things!

I absolutely love and adore All-Star Converse. They have to be my 2nd favorite shoes in my closet (right after My High Heels). I found these really cute Pink Converse size 5 at a consignment sale a few years ago, and who knew they would be my size? Well that was just my luck! Well now I have grown out of them and they are nasty, but I still keep them! Now I have these really cute Gray and Lime Green ones, that have the fold down tongue.

                                                          Pictured below are the Pink Converse

(sorry about the blurriness)

I wish I had some of these!

Or maybe these!

P.S. ----------- means I am starting a new subject

Who is ready for summer?

I am defiantly ready for summer! I need flip flops and shorts, not Boots and Jeans (even though they are cute.)

                                                                I need sunshine and sand!
                                            I want to see lots of these on the side of the road!
                                             I want to spend time with these little sweetie's!

                                                                               So, are your ready for summer?



Anna Turns 3-a little late!

Happy Birthday Anna Banana! I love you!

Last Summer...I think it was her first Fudge Sickle ;)

Stewart, Anna and Silas!

Anna and Silas (her brother)

Horrible Picture of me but she was smiling ;)

Love you sweet girl! I hope you enjoyed your Birthday! <3 ya!



Wonderful things!

4 of the most wonderful things!

1. Flowers
2. Anything vintage
3. Foot steps on the beach
4. Converse All stars

These are some of the most wonderful things to me, but I don't about you. I would love to know what you think the most wonderful things are. This would be a great idea for a post if you are stuck with writers block or if you are trying to come up with an idea for your first post (you know who you are)!

Have a good rest of the week,


Love Day!

Today as everyone knows was Valentines day! I absolutely LOVE Valentines Day!



Guess what I was doing this afternoon?

Can you guess? yes, I was cleaning my room for the 3 Sunday afternoon in a row! It went from piled up with clothes to Cleanish. I wasn't really in the mood to clean today so I picked up the cleathes and put them into the laundry. I guess you can call that cleaning. Maybe. Not really. That's picking up.

Guess what I will be doing tomorrow? I will be sitting a conference. The Origins Conference. I think it will be fun. Maybe not. Who knows.

Well have a good week :)


have you been wandering?

After I did the LOVE post I realized that some people might want to know what my house looks like, Well here it is!

It's plain and simple, normal for our area!
Just Kidding!
That's not my house.... I wish it was.

(Because of the lack of a camera right now there is no picture for my real house, but as soon as I get a camera I will post a picture of my real house, which looks NOTHING like this one!)

Well happy weekend :)


Have I mentioned my fashioned friends?

Well if you don't know me you wouldn't know about my fashioned friends. I have many, but the ones that defiantly stand out in my mind are Abby I absolutely love her sense of style she always has that really cute, fun and sassy look.

                     (picture taken by tessa brooke photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)

(picture taken by tessa brooke photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)

(picture taken by tessa brooke photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)




Has anybody noticed it is almost Valentine's day? I have. I have been thinking about lots of things that I love, but on the top of the list was that I LOVE  where I live. I might complain sometimes that I don't like it or I would rather be close to my friends, but really if I think long and hard I know I LOVE where live. I love the way that I can look out my window and see the most beutiful sunset you will ever see.

I also love the way my dad has to put the old wagon he has out for fall.

I also the flowers that I grew last year.

Second on my list is my friends :)

Third on my list is Photoshoots!

                  (pictures taken by tessa brook photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)
                        (taken by tessa brooke photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)
(pictures taken by tessa brooke photagraphy, tessachaseyourdreams.blogspot.com)

Fourth on my list is my family :)

My 3 year old cousin, Anna Rose.

(from left to right) Stewart. Anna and Silas

Stewart and Silas

Well that #'s 1-4, but I also have MANY more :)
Until next time, bye bye :)

From snow to you!

 This particular year we have had MANY snow days. Now I am not complaining, but come on.. we could atleat have on-line classes (some people would not agree with me). I know that if there was anyway we could have went to school I know we would have, but I know our headmaster most likely made the right desicion to not have school today :)



I LOVE weekends and am so happy on friday afternoon when the bell rings at 2:55pm in math class. I love my school so much, but like any other pre-teen on Friday afternoon I am DONE! I am always the first person to be lined up to leave. I always tell my mom to wait in the hallway for me so I do NOT have to wait in line. My point is... I am DONE by Friday!

Weekend= cleaning my room.

I am stuck on ALWAYS cleaning my room on Sunday afternoon. I love the feeling of  sitting in a clean room. Smelling the Almond scented wood cleaner. I love the to look down and be able to see my carpet. I love not having to climb over things to go to bed. I love a clean room :)

Weekend= countless hours on the computer.

On the weekends is the only time I can sit on the computer talking on Facebook, blogging, helping a friend make a blog *wink*, and searching Google for photos to make screen savers with!  I love the computer!

Weekend= NO being in bed my 10:30 pm.

On weekends I am up until 11:00, 11:30 sometimes even midnight. I am a night owl, I can get more things accomplished at 11:00 pm at night then I can at 2:00 pm. I love nights!

Well that ends my weekend. I am curious to see what next weekend holds :)
