
My Weekend!

My weekend was awsome, Friday I went Home with Abby (Morgan came too.) we played Hide and Go Seek. It was awsome!!! Abby and Morgan hid in Mr. Trents House. Ashley and Emmie stood at the frount Door and rung the Door Bell while I stood at the back to to catch them both ways.Ok so when Abby and Morgan where running from us Abby was trying to climb the fince but she gave up so Morgan took a run and Go and tumbled over the fince. Then we went It's a Preteen Thing @ 1st Baptist in Morristown.It was awsome.We played this game called OMC (Organized Mass Choas). Then we had Snacks. Then Had a Session and Left. I stayed the night with Abby we watched Alvin and the chipmunks until 1:00a.m. then talked about all our weird dreams.Then went to bed. I stayed all day with Abby it was so fun.



Blog headers.

Here are some of the different blog headers that I had thought about using but never really used. Ps. if you take one pleae leave a comment and your blog name so I can see how it turned out.